You may have felt God calling you to do missions in the USA and share the gospel with the people of this nation, but it takes a lot of work to plan and find the right mission trip. It can be hard to know where to go, and what to do, but no matter what the details are, God will lead you to the mission trip in the US that’s right for you.
Where can I go on a mission trip in the US? You can go anywhere from the east coast to the west, and even to Alaska and Hawaii through these mission trips in the USA:
- World Race America
- Praying Pelicans Mission Trips
- Global Frontier Missions Internship
- Baptists on Mission Trips
- Adventures in Missions Trips
- TEAM Cross-Cultural Student Ministry Summer Trip
- CRU Mission Trips
- Envision Mission Trips
There are ministries and organizations that are wanting to partner with you all over the nation of America, all for the glory of God.
So as you look for the perfect opportunity for you, make sure to listen to the Holy Spirit and ask Him to show you where He wants you to go and what He’s calling you to.
1. World Race America
World Race America is an 11-month mission trip that takes participants on a road trip all across the US, allowing them to work with various ministries in over 30 states and share the gospel in each one. Some of these states include:
- Georgia
- Tennessee
- Alabama
- North Carolina
- Virginia
- Delaware
- New York
- Illinois
- Minnesota
- Colorado
- Oregon
- California
- Arizona
- Texas
There are many other states that the route hits, but the trip begins and ends in Georgia, where the World Race’s headquarters is located.

To go on this trip, you must be 18-35 years old and be a Gap Year or World Race alumni. Those who are alumni in this age range get to fundraise $11,000 for the trip and are able to spend 10 days at a training camp beforehand, preparing for the different types of ministry they’ll encounter and get ready for what God has for them.
Racers will also get to learn from their ministry partners along the way as they serve in all different types of mission work. Ways to serve include:
- Summer Camps
- Homeless Shelters
- Churches
- Youth Organizations
- Individual Families
These are just a few ways that participants get to serve, and ultimately God is in control of the itinerary, so new ministries are added each trip.
Behind the heart of World Race America is to see revival in the nation and plant seeds and reap in the harvest God is growing, as well as see relationships blossom all over the US with individuals, organizations, and especially in the World Race America squad.
Within the squad, participants get to experience a Christ-centered community with their fellow racers and learn how to serve each other as well as the rest of the nation.
If you’d like to find out more about World Race America, click here.
2. Praying Pelicans Mission Trips
Praying Pelicans Missions is dedicated to connecting you, your family, or your church group to local pastors and ministries across the US.
Trips with Pelican last from 3-7 days and range from anywhere to $295 to $695, depending on the location. The locations for Pelican Trips in the US include:
- Alaska
- The Carolinas
- Appalachia
- Chicago, IL
- Houston, TX
- Jackson, MS
- Memphis, TN
- Miami, FL
- Minneapolis & St. Paul, MN
- Pittsburgh, PA
- Tucson, AZ
- Tulsa, OK
- Washington, D.C.
Other locations include New England, Puerto Rico, and Native American Reservations, each unique in their ministry opportunities.
Praying Pelicans exists to help you and whoever you’re serving with to share the gospel with people all over the States, and do this by providing all the plans and details for your trip, as well as giving you and your team T-shirts and Bible studies to do along the way.
They also help with fundraising ideas and offer 24-hour support for you and your group.
If you’d like to learn more about Praying Pelicans Mission Trips in the USA, click here.
3. Global Frontier Missions Internship
Global Frontier Missions (GFM) is an organization passionate about training missionaries and sending them to the mission field, including the mission field right here in America.
Using their missionary training methods, GFM invites anyone 18-25 years old on their 2-month summer internship that costs $1,200.
Here, participants will be able to grow in discipleship and learn how to make disciples themselves, and also learn how mission work is done effectively.
Focusing on college students and internationals, people who join the summer internship will be able to learn how to share the gospel cross-culturally and build relationships with those they wouldn’t otherwise get to minister to.
Others that GFM interns will get to serve are immigrants, refugees, and the homeless.

GFM also puts a heavy emphasis on uplifting each participant in their community and developing the spiritual gifts and talents that each team member has.
This ministry is located in Metro Atlanta, where many are seeking for something more in their lives and are waiting for people like you to show them who Jesus truly is.
To learn more about Global Frontier Missions and their internship, click here.
4. Baptists on Mission Trips
Baptists on Mission offer a wide range of mission trips for groups, families, and individuals. These participants can serve with Baptists on Missions in these locations and more:
- The Appalachian Coalfields
- Hawaii-Pacific
- Vermont
- North Carolina
- Pennsylvania
- The Rocky Mountains
Participants of these trips may serve anywhere from a week to two months and work with various ministries. Some ministry opportunities include:
- VBS ministry
- Servant Evangelism
- Sports Camps
- Community Projects
- Prayer Walking
- Camp Ministry
- Music Ministry
- Disaster Relief
- Caring for the Elderly
Aside from these opportunities, many teams on these trips get to partner with local churches to reach their communities and pioneer new ministries specific to the needs of their area.
If you’d like to learn more about Baptists on Mission and their trips in the US, click here.
5. Adventures in Missions Trips
Adventures in Missions (AIM) is the same organization that started the World Race mentioned above, and does a great job at training students, adults, families, and church groups on the mission field.
In their locations in the US, AIM provides ways to share the gospel with those who need to hear it while also stretching their participants to grow in their relationship with Jesus.
For their trips for adults ages 18 and older, AIM lets participants spend 1-3 weeks serving in one of these locations:
- Asheville, NC
- Chicago, IL
- Detroit, MI
- Hilton Head Island, SC
- New Orleans, LA
- New York City, NY
- Northeast Georgia
- Springfield, MO
Each of these trips range from $200 to $700, and consists of different types of ministry and outreach, each day providing participants for a time of debriefing, prayer and worship.
AIM also offers other trips in these same locations and more for 1-4 weeks for students, women trips, and youth groups. Customizable trips in the US are also an option along with disaster relief trips.

One of AIM’s main principles they practice on each trip is listening prayer, which encourages participants and leaders to spend time in prayer listening to what the Holy Spirit wants them to know before their ministry begins.
Another main principle is that AIM sends you and/or your group to ministries that have a long-term plan for sustainability so that you can know your work matters and their missions are working to further the kingdom of God.
Through endless opportunities for ministry, AIM makes sure that you and your team are building relationships and sharing the love of Jesus, which is the most important part of missions work in the US.
If you’d like to learn more about Adventures in Missions and their different mission trips in the US, click here.
6. TEAM Cross-Cultural Student Ministry Summer Trip
TEAM is an organization of aligned churches and missionaries who long to see the whole world loving and worshipping God.
To see this as a reality in the United States, TEAM has put together a summer trip for students wanting to know more about cross-cultural missions and ministry.
Located in Virginia Beach, this summer trip introduces its participants to different ways to share the gospel by making friendships within the community at Virginia Beach.
This community consists largely of international students and tourists, as well as shop owners and local vendors around the area.
While connecting with these people, interns with TEAM are taught to grow in leadership and organizational goals, as well as practice some language learning if they’re interested.

Although it’s not a requirement to know other languages, TEAM sees bilingual interns as assets to their ministry, since most students they are trying to reach are just beginning to learn English.
Other requirements for this internship include a high school diploma and at least one year of university studies, as well as a US driver’s license.
Most importantly, however, TEAM desires its interns to have a growing relationship with Jesus and exhibit godly character.
This is determined through the application where future interns will fill out a section about their own faith and answer what the gospel means to them.
If you’re considering learning more about cross-cultural discipleship and possibly pursuing a vocational role in this ministry, an internship with TEAM right here in the USA may be the perfect fit for you.
To learn more about TEAM’s Cross-Cultural Student Ministry Summer Trip, click here.
7. CRU Mission Trips
CRU is an organization that desires everyone to know and love God. They are especially geared towards hosting mission trips for youth and internships for college students.
Among their many mission trips to get involved in, one unique opportunity that they have is inner-city ministry.
These inner-city trips are called Urban Immersions which focus on sharing the good news and serving the poor.
Each Urban Immersion trip can be taken during spring break, during a summer trip, or on an internship for 1-2 years.
Whichever trip length works best for you, you can know that you’ll grow not only in love and relationships with others but also with God. You’ll do this by using the gifts God has given you to:
- Serve the homeless
- Work with at-risk youth
- Prepare people for interviews and jobs
- Organize programs that help out the community
Any one of these opportunities could be accompanied by using and growing in skills such as:
- Computer and Technical Work
- Administration
- Music
- Graphic Design
- Speaking in Another Language
CRU is also flexible in any other skills you may have, believing that every gift and talent can be used to advance God’s kingdom for his glory.

Aside from all these ministry opportunities, participants will be trained in evangelism, testimony sharing, working with others, racial unity, and growing in community and discipleship.
Each one of these incredible opportunities can be experienced in:
- Chicago, IL
- Detroit, MI
- Los Angeles, CA
- Minneapolis/Saint Paul, MN
- Orlando, FL
While costs vary at each site, the average costs for a spring break trip would be anywhere from $190-$350 per person, since most participants serve alongside a group from their college or school.
No matter the location or price, however, participants are sure to grow in their relationship with Jesus as well as share that relationship with others, especially the poor and the least of these within our societies.
CRU makes sure every opportunity gives students the chance to share their faith or grow in it.
To learn more about CRU Mission Trips in the USA, click here.
8. Envision Mission Trips
Envision is a missions organization that is dedicated to raising up missional leaders and servers who will create and strengthen communities of faith in key urban locations.
Envision does this through various means, but one of their main ways is through 7-10 day mission trips for college students, churches, and other small groups. These trips are held in:
- Atlanta, GA
- Chicago, IL
- Cleveland, OH
- Los Angeles, CA
- Miami, FL
- New York City, NY
- Providence, MN
- Minneapolis/Saint Paul, MN

Participants of Envision trips will get to work alongside site leaders and local missionaries and pastors at each location, as well as get hands-on experience in different forms of ministry. Some of these ministries include:
- Deaf Ministry
- Cross-Cultural Immersion
- Church Planting
- Prayer Walks
- Evangelism
- Family and Youth Outreach
- Urban Outreach
- Community Development
- Teaching English
- Working with Refugees and Immigrants
- Sports Ministry
- Orphan Ministry
- Homeless Ministry
And the list goes on. Among these opportunities, participants will receive training in leadership and discipleship, as well as learn how to approach people with compassion and love them as Jesus would.
Though the lists of ways to serve are endless and many reasons to be overwhelmed by the missional work that needs to be done in America, Envision chooses to hand their trips over the God and He never fails to provide for those on the trips and for the people who are drawing near to him.
To be a part of this with Envision, be sure to click here.
Mission Trips in the USA Matter
Wherever the Lord is leading you, whether that’s the east coast, the west, or somewhere in between, you can know that there are amazing opportunities that are available to you with each trip in the USA. And with each one, Jesus will be with you, teaching you and strengthening you.
Even when our nation is hurting, broken, and in need of a Savior, Jesus has always been the one to love us no matter what, and he wants to redeem our nation.
As Christians, we are called to be a part of that and be the hands and feet of Jesus, serving our neighbors, fellow citizens, and others as if they were Jesus himself.

Because we have the light and hope of the gospel, it is impossible to keep it to ourselves, so if you’re looking for a way to do that in the US, you can know that God will make a way for you to serve even through one of these mission trips.
For God so loved the world that he sent Jesus to die and rise again for us, even for the United States of America. Because of this, don’t hide your God-given passion to serve the nation and make a big deal about Jesus through whatever you do and wherever you go.