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As a college student attending a missionary school, I became interested in how different missionary sending organizations work. I wanted to learn about places that send out missionaries and how someone looking to be a missionary could partner with them.

Where can I apply to become a missionary? You can apply to be a missionary through many different organizations. Three mission sending organizations are Bethany Gateways, Ethnos 360, and TEAM (Team Global Alliance of Church & Missionaries).

As I researched mission sending organizations, I found 21 places to help you get onto the mission field. Each one has the goal of fulfilling the Great Commission by taking the Gospel to all ends of the earth.

21 Places to Apply for a Missionary Job

I hope this list of 21 missionary sending places will help you discover the right place for you to be sent from. Some of these organizations have jobs they need to be filled on the field and others will simply have you apply to be sent out as a missionary with their organization and your church.

1. Bethany Gateways

Bethany Gateways is a missionary sending organization. Their goal is to “Take the church to where it is not and help others do the same.” They help support missionaries in over 20 countries today. They have many different positions opened around the world today.

2. Ethnos 360

Ethnos 360 works with you and your church to send you onto the mission field. They are there to help you as you go out onto the field and will give you practical advice. One of their main goals is making churches around the world.

3. TEAM (Team Global Alliance of Church & Missionaries)

TEAM has sent out over 500 missionaries around the world. They have hundreds of missionary opportunities waiting to be filled. Their goal is to make disciples and plant churches in the world.

4. YWAM (Youth With a Mission)

Youth With a Mission is a discipleship training school. They have bases located around the world for people to come and be trained at. The needs vary base to base, for example, one base may need cooks whereas, another needs an evangelist.

*Please note, you must complete the YWAM program before becoming a staff member.

5. Save the Children

Save the Children has over 1,500 workers serving in different parts of the world. They work to bring aid to children through food, education, and medical assistance. They have jobs in the U.S and outside the U.S.

6. Food for the Hungry

Food for the Hungry serves people in extreme poverty. One way they are helping to end poverty in by child sponsorship. They have jobs open in America, Asia, Africa, and Latin America.

7. Africa Inland Missions

Africa Inland Missions longs to fulfill the Great Commission by bringing the Gospel to Africa. They have many positions available in 20 different places around Africa.

8. ABEW International (Association of Baptists for World Evangelism)

ABEW International is equipping people to go out into the world to share the Gospel. They feel an urgency to bring the Gospel to people who do not personally know Jesus. They have positions open in 70 countries for you to serve at.

9. Wycliffe Bible Translators

Wycliffe Bible Translators is looking to bring hope to people around the world through the Gospel message and translating the Bible into a different language. They want you to be apart of their team and bringing people hope. They have volunteers, internships, and jobs available around the globe.

10. WGM (World Gospel Missions)

WGM gives opportunities for missionaries to serve all over the world. They want to help support you, even if you don’t see a specific job opening to fit your calling, you can still reach out to them.

11. Teach Beyond

Teach Beyond is working to transform education programs. They are bringing education to people all around the world. They currently have over 700 people serving on their team and are located in 55 different countries.

people carrying sticks on their heads down a dirt street

12. Pioneers

Pioneers mission is to serve the unreached people groups. If you are sent out through them, you will live among an unreached people group. Your church is able to partner alongside Pioneers in sending you out to the mission field.

13. OM (Operation Mobilization)

Operation Mobilization has a passion to send missionaries to unreached people groups to serve people who have never heard the Gospel. They want to bring hope to broken and weary people. They have both long term and short term serving opportunities available.

14. International Project

International Project is a church planting movement for unreached people groups. They want to partner with people to help them serve unreached people in the world. They offer short term trips, internships, discipleship programs, and long term support.

15. GEM (Greater Europe Mission)

Greater Europe Mission looks to help people wanting to serve as missionaries in Europe. They offer support to people looking to be career missionaries or serve for a few years. They want to help you in bringing the Gospel to people in Europe.

16. Avant

Avant is reaching the unreached people in the world by sending missionaries who are equipped to disciple and start churches. They will guide you in the church planting process and understand the difficulties of church planting among the unreached. They have job opportunities for interns, short and long term missionaries.

17. Christar

Christar helps send missionaries to the unreached people in the world and give them the opportunity to hear the Gospel.They have resources for their missionaries to help them as they serve unreached people. They have internships, short and long term jobs open.

18. E3 Partners

E3 Partners works to plant churches locally and globally. They send people to make disciples in a new culture. They would help in training you before leaving for the field. They have job opportunities to serve as field leaders in 40 different locations and field support roles in Texas.

19. Compassion International

Compassion International is a ministry dedicated to breaking the cycle of poverty through child sponsorship. offers internships for college students as well as different positions for adults. These positions vary in location from Colorado Springs to Tanzania, the requires are different for each.

20. Samaritan’s Purse

Samaritan’s Purse works to provide international relief while sharing the Gospel. They offer jobs around the world and within the U.S, for example, working as a doctor in South Sudan or a Program Manager in Haiti.

21. Story Runners

Story Runners seeks to tell unreached people the story of the Gospel. Since over 3,000 languages have no Scriptures in their language, Story Runners help to equip people to orally tell the Gospel to unreached people. They offer year-long internships, summer programs, and have job openings abroad.

A classroom full of children

As you continue the process of finding and determining which missionary sending organization is right for you, I want to encourage you to pray and seek God during this time. Ask the Lord to guide you as you make this life-changing decision to leave your home to serve people overseas who need to know the Gospel!

God is pursuing with omnipotent passion a worldwide purpose of gathering joyful worshipers for Himself from every tribe and tongue and people and nation. He has an inexhaustible enthusiasm for the supremacy of His Name among the nations. Therefore, let us bring our affections into line with His, and, for the sake of His name, let us renounce the quest for worldly comforts and join His global purpose

John Piper

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