Earning Your Degree After YWAM Missionary Guidance Earning Your Degree After YWAM After doing a Discipleship Training School with Youth with a Mission, I still felt unprepared…McKenna Von GuntenOctober 18, 2018
5 Types of Missionary Training Programs Missionary Training 5 Types of Missionary Training Programs Do you feel called to missions but you don’t know where to start? It can be…Madeline LamannaOctober 15, 2018
Gear That Missionaries Have To Have Before They Go Missionary Guidance Gear That Missionaries Have To Have Before They Go Part of the Great Commission is not only to make disciples but to 'go into…lillian.hunsburgerOctober 4, 2018
8 Ways Missionaries Make Money Overseas Funding Missions 8 Ways Missionaries Make Money Overseas You may be asking the question, how do missionaries make money on the mission field?…McKenna Von GuntenSeptember 20, 2018
Business As Mission: How Entrepreneurship Can Open Doors For the Gospel Missionary Skills Business As Mission: How Entrepreneurship Can Open Doors For the Gospel In the year 2050, it is said that more than 66% of the world population…McKenna Von GuntenApril 23, 2018
What is Montessori? BGU News What is Montessori? Have you ever wondered why children are fascinated with water? Or noticed that when the…McKenna Von GuntenApril 6, 2018
Teaching on the Mission Field To Reach the Lost BGU News Teaching on the Mission Field To Reach the Lost Not even one word. She didn't know even one word in English, I didn't know…lillian.hunsburgerApril 3, 2018
Is Missionary Work Safe? And 7 Other Questions Parents Often Ask Us Missionary Guidance Is Missionary Work Safe? And 7 Other Questions Parents Often Ask Us How long does my child need to be on the mission field? Will they be…McKenna Von GuntenMarch 19, 2018
Marriage & Missions: The Pros and Cons of Going Overseas as a Single or Married Couple Relationships Marriage & Missions: The Pros and Cons of Going Overseas as a Single or Married Couple If God loves the partnership of marriage and missions so much, why would He call…McKenna Von GuntenFebruary 15, 2018
Experiences in the DR: Loving the Discouraged and Restless Missionary Training Experiences in the DR: Loving the Discouraged and Restless Hey, I'm Caylor. I've come to realize one amazing truth: You are always able to…lillian.hunsburgerJanuary 19, 2018