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Wonderful Counselor, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace, the Great I Am.

Our heavenly Father is worthy of more worship than we ever hope to give him, which is one of many reasons why we as Christians strive to live our lives in surrender to Him, as holy and pleasing sacrifices. The more time we spend in our relationship with God, in worship and in awe of the Father, the more we begin to reflect Him in our character, in our lives, and in our interactions with others.

There are so many ways to worship the Lord! This Article will look at the 6 main categories of worship and lay out practical examples of each. The following categories are Creativity, Activity, Nature, Study, Conversation, and Service.

All forms of worship can be done in community or alone. However, both are equally important, so it is vital for our health as Christians that we connect with the Lord in a variety of ways.

1: Creativity

a person drawing at a desk

Worshipping through creativity is one of the most popular and well-known ways to glorify God. As the creator of the universe and everything in it, He loves when we create because it is a reflection of Him, both his unparalleled power, and his delicacy and intricacy in even the smallest details of life. Some examples of  worshiping through creativity include,

  • Enjoying, participating in, and creating worship music.
  • Making a joyful noise through playing instruments. ex: horns, drums, guitar, woodwinds, strings, etc.
  • Speaking and singing scripture aloud with and without music.
  • All forms of art! ex: painting, drawing, sculpting, writing poetry, etc.
  • Participating in or enjoying foreign praise and worship music. ex: Agapao Worship, Hillsong Global Project, Danilo Montero, Evan Craft, etc.

2: Activity

There is a false belief in Christianity that the soul or spirit is more important than the physical body.  While the soul and spirit are of importance, our bodies were given to us by the Father as a reflection of him and as a temple to house the Holy Spirit, listed below are some ways you can engage the Father in worship through activity.

  • Dance
  • Lifting
  • Going on walks
  • Climbing
  • Practicing breathing awareness, meditating, and resting in the Spirit
  • Biking
  • Swimming
  • Practicing postures of worship
  • Whatever forms of exercise you enjoy most!

3: Nature

a person standing on a small island surrounded by water holding their arms out looking at the sunset

In this form of praise, rather than being the one creating, worship through nature is all about enjoying God’s creation! This can look like anything that gives appreciation to the outdoors and/or to the flora and fauna the Father created. Here are some ways you can engage with the Lord through His creativity.

  • Nature walk
  • Prayer/ Praise walk
  • Star gazing
  • playing outdoors
  • Going to a nature center
  • Hiking
  • Zoo/ Garden/ Conservatory
  • Museums, etc.

4: Study

One of the most under-appreciated forms of worship, Study, involves an in-depth look into the Trinity, the Word, and the presence of God in everyday life as well as throughout history. Listed below are some helpful forms of study as well as resources that can be used to engage the Word of the Lord on a deeper level.

5: Conversation

two women on swings facing each other talking

It’s so simple that most people forget communing with God in conversation is not just something we should be doing as His children, but that it is an actual form of worship. God is a good Father, he loves you and wants to get to know you personally as his child, as your savior, and as his friend. Below are just a few of the ways you can engage with the Lord in conversation.

  • Prayer
  • Worship or talking to God while driving, walking, exercising, etc.
  • Journaling, or writing to God
  • Talking to God out loud or quietly
  • Prayer and intercession, on behalf of friends, family, strangers, unreached people groups, etc.

6: Service

The Lord calls us to love him with all our hearts, souls, and minds, and to love our neighbors as ourselves. Taking care of those around you through Christ-like service is such a beautiful form of worship because it honors all parties involved, the one being served, the one serving and the Lord, all at once! In the list below there are some helpful ways to honor the Lord through selfless service that reflects his character.

  • Learn the love languages of those around you so you know how to make your community feel loved and known by the lord and each other.
  • Give food to someone in need.
  • Give a hug to someone who needs one.
  • Write a letter of encouragement.
  • Speak words of truth and affirmation over someone.
  • etc.

The body of Christ is the most diverse family of people to ever exist! Thankfully, so are the ways to love one another and worship the Lord. Choose three or more of the ways to worship above to put into practice over the next few days and share what you learned with those around you so that you may encourage your community in their relationships with the Lord.