

Experience the World

BGU students are sent to serve around the world for Global Internship. From North America, Europe, Asia, to Africa, each site provides its own unique environment, language, culture, religious context, ministry challenges, and opportunities for interns to experience. 

Site Opportunities

New sites are continually being identified and developed to receive interns. BGU’s Global Internship staff is constantly exploring the best opportunities and partnerships for students to participate in every year!

Depending on their major, interns could work with experienced ministries planting churches, serve alongside nonprofits providing humanitarian relief, teach at a local school, learn alongside an established business, or gain hands-on experience in medical missions. 

Explore Your Possibilities

While sites and locations change every year, students have served in North Africa, Sub-Saharan Africa, South Africa, Southeast Asia, Central Asia, the Balkans region, and the U.S.

Starting in the sophomore year, BGU students will have multiple opportunities to go overseas. Sites will be revealed each year and students will be matched with specific location opportunities available to their class!

Site Partnerships

BGU partners with several intercultural ministry and missions organizations to provide students with unique and comprehensive Global Internship experiences. Some of our partners have included Open USA, LiveDead, AGWM, Reach Global (Evangelical Free Church of America), and Bethany International.

Serving Around the World

Get a taste for what it’s like to live and serve overseas from the perspective of our Global Interns.

Hear From Our Global Interns

Interested in learning more about what it’s like to go on Global Internship? Watch and read stories from our students!

Watch Stories